134 El Chico Trail, Suite 105, Willow Park, Texas 76087
Phone: 817-458-2482 | Fax: 817-609-4545
Grief and Loss
We all experience grief at some point in our lives. Whether it is the end of a relationship, a death loss, career change, relocation, or life transition, grief affects us all. Grief is more than a five-stage experience; it is a life-long journey. There is no right way to grieve, and no timeline for it.
Many clients experience symptoms of anger, confusion, anxiety, changes in appetite, changes in sleep, loss of motivation, and flashbacks in grief.
Our therapists are experienced in helping clients journey through grief to find hope and healing.
Many of our therapists have extensive experience working with grieving children and adults in previous settings such as The WARM Place, leading retreats for parents after the death of children to suicide through A Memory Grows, and helping women struggling with miscarriage and infant loss through Gathering Hope.
Our goal is that no one feels alone in their grief.

What Others Say...
"Let us hold fast to the confession of our HOPE without wavering, for God who has promised is faithful." - Hebrews 10:22
Phone: 817-458-2482
Fax: 817-609-4545
134 El Chico Trail, Suite 105, Willow Park, Texas 76087